• Avalon Beach, Sydney

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces 18.9.2024

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces 18.9.2024

This lunar eclipse is very powerful. It is forming a blood moon, very close to the earth at 25 degree Pisces. The Moon sits between Saturn and Neptune.

If you have planets at 25 degrees mutable, i.e. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, this eclipse will have a definite effect. Pisces has themes of ending, healing and spirituality. Let it go. Learn to grow. If you are a fake spiritual person, get humble, get real, get into your truth, come from the heart. Nobody to impress here. This is not about money or work. It is about facing our own ego and take responsibility for our wrongdoing, own our part of the story. Stop making excuses, stop playing the victim. From pain comes wisdom, from fear comes courage. These next 6 months will be times of endings. After that, the world will look very different.

We have 3 outer planets that will change signs and elements in this time. A huge shift! Pluto has gone retrograde 3 times into the last degrees of Capricorn, disposited by Saturn. And Mercury is opposing Saturn and squaring Jupiter. Deep thought, critical thoughts. Communication hazards, communication equipment troubles.  Stop beating yourself up and move forward. We are living in a movie, the media is a movie. Don’t play the game! Go inside yourself and find your truth. Break the chains with the past. Open your heart and embrace those on the same journey. Pisces is about love. And Venus is exalted at the moment, helping to fix those relationships.

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