• Avalon Beach, Sydney

The end of an era

The end of an era

For the last time in our lifetimes, Pluto has ingressed into Capricorn, on the 3rd of September 2024 to be exact. This time until the 20th November is going to be very intense.

Because Pluto is retrograding in the last degrees, we call them critical degrees, 29 degrees of Capricorn. What does it mean for you?

Well Pluto is Transformation. That is a time of endings and new Beginnings. Capricorn is about Control and Old World, Status and Elite, holding on to the Status Quo.

The powers that are, will try with all their might to hold on. They will do whatever it takes to stay in power and control. They will introduce new laws and restrictions and every conceivable trick, to reign us in and keep us in check.

From 12th October the retrograde motion of Pluto will change to direct, meaning it will take direct action. Fasten your seatbelts and be vigilant.

How this will affect you personally depends on which planets you have at 29 degrees cardinal (Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, Libra). But it will play out mainly in world politics.

You already got a little taste of it this year from February until August, when Pluto tippytoed into Aquarius briefly. Watch this space for continuation when Pluto will finally enter Aquarius on November 20th, never to return to an earth sign for hundreds of years to come.

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